The narrative of digital transformation and disruption might be clichéd; but industry today would be hard pressed to find more nuanced terms for the power of technology at play. For organizations, Digital Transformation has become the ultimate challenge in existential change management - for its over-arching impact; not just on industry structures and strategic positioning but across levels of the organization; and its extended supply chain. Leaders are today attempting to challenge their organizations to ensure that this technology enabled change unlocks new revenue streams, experiential innovation, margins and enhance competitive advantage – value creation at scale!
Dominance in the digital economy will require organizations to adopt a path that is vastly different from the one that they have traversed earlier – a fact borne out by EDGE Insights, that predicts that enterprises in India are going to add $8.5 Bn in IT spending in 2019 and; that 55% of organizations are going to increase their digital spending in 2019.
Ushering in the new era of Digital dominance, we have compiled a list of 25 caselets where organizations have leveraged digital technology to solve real problems.