IPOs performed well despite the unfortunate events of the slowdown and COVID-19 gravely impacting markets. Public markets were majorly driven by Initial Public Offering (IPO) deals which contributed to 40.9% of deal activity followed by Qualified Institutional Placement and Rights Issue.
The Indian economy was still performing adequately in H2 2019 up till March 2020 by which time COVID-19 had its greatest impact. The effects of COVID-19 could be particularly noticed in the Indian deal ecosystem wherein PE and M&A deals witnessed five-year lows in H1 2020.
Equity Capital Market witnessed a five-year high in terms of deal value by recording the highest deal value of $13.05 billion in H1 2020, a surge of 2.19x due to big-ticket deals. However, deal activity declined in H1 2020 by 35.3% as compared to H1 2019.
For detailed insights on the deal activity in private equity, venture capital, mergers & acquisitions, and equity capital market deals in H1 2020, download the full report.