
VCCEdge Q3 2024 Report

VCCEdge Q3 2024 Report

Snapshot of deal activity in Private Equity, Venture Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions and Equity Capital Market deals in Q3 2024.

In Q3 2024, Private Equity deal activity remained at the same level as Q3 2023, but deal value saw a 12% decline. Despite this, venture capital demonstrated resilience, with deal volume increasing by 27% and deal value rising by 15% compared to the previous year.

M&A activity showed recovery with a 17% increase in deal volume, though deal value fell by 28%. Small-ticket M&A deals witnessed a significant uptick, reflecting investor interest in smaller, growth-focused transactions.

Equity Capital Market deals saw a 14% decrease in volume but an impressive 125% surge in deal value, highlighting investor appetite for larger transactions, particularly through Qualified Institutional Placements, which jumped 2.3x in volume and 3.5x in value.

Looking for in-depth and more comprehensive data on financial research? Download the VCCEdge quarterly report and get a detailed overview of the private equity, venture capital, mergers & acquisitions and equity capital market deals.